With the mayhem of Coronavirus,

Staying healthy depends on actions YOU take!!

This year, you don't have to!!
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Discover little known secrets for optimizing your immune system!!
(You won't get this info from your regular doctor...)
Stop spending your free time in bed. You only get this day once... So make the most of it with a stronger immune system!
No more wasting money on medicine that merely treats the symptoms and not the cause!
You don't need to be a "germaphobe"... Strengthening your immune system from within is your best approach to staying healthy!
Even if you get sick all the time, there's still hope for you!
FIRST, A REAL quick background 
most colds and flus are related to viral infections. 
There are 2 main modes of transmission for most viruses:

(COVID-19 is transmitted just like Rhinovirus and other typical flu viruses)


Because of the small size of the virus, it is transmitted through the air very easily. When someone coughs or sneezes, the rhinovirus can carry long distances.


Direct contact is the second most common mode of transmission. This includes direct contact with other people as well as touching the surfaces infected people have touched or sneezed/coughed on.
It's good... It's absolutely necessary... you'll get this on any basic website or any doctor you visit, but the good stuff's down a little further...
  • Good Hygiene: Especially during the cold and flu season, I recommend washing your hands frequently, even if you aren't touching a lot of things. Being that the virus can spread through the air, there's good potential you can come in contact with the virus. 
  • ​Avoid touching your face: viruses enter the body through the mucous linings of the body... eyes, nose, mouth, lungs all have mucous linings where your body first comes into contact with the outside world. Touching your face substantially increases your chances of exposure to these viruses. 
  • Cover your mouth when you cough and sneeze: Part of a good defense is a good offense... To better improve your chances of not getting sick, it's best to not add to the problem. Covering your mouth when you cough and sneeze, particularly with a tissue or some kind of cloth will substantially decrease the spread of these viruses. 
  • Wear a mask (Particularly an N95 mask): Especially if you're in close quarters with someone who's sick, wearing a mask can significantly block the viruses floating in the air from coming into contact with your nose, mouth and lungs. 
  • ​Sanitize everything: Effective, great in theory, but can be very difficult to do... Have you ever found yourself following your sick ones around with a disinfecting Spray?! Sounds a little crazy right?!  But that's what we're being taught... everything needs to be disinfected with sprays or wipes of some sort. Although this may sound great, this is a very difficult one to stay on top of 100%... mainly for the fact that it's impossible to sanitize everything. With that being said, it's still a very good practice to clean everything as best as possible. But, if you're like my family and have small children that touch everything, sneeze on everything and often put their mouths on things, this idea is extremely challenging!! 
  • FEVERS ARE GOOD: Yes, fevers are a good thing! Mainly because of the what heat will do to viruses. Viruses survive and spread easier in cooler temperatures. Increasing the temperature of the body will actually slow down the viral replication as well as activate the immune cells responsible for destroying the virus. It's actually advisable to do nothing about a fever until it gets to 104 degrees. I know that may be too uncomfortable to deal with, but if you can, ride out a fever as long as you can. Typically, you'll actually get the exact opposite advice... That is to take something like Ibuprofen to calm down the fever in order to manage your symptoms, but that actually suppresses your immune system... 
  • YOUR GUT IS THE ANSWER: Did you know about 80% of your immune system is in your gut?! It's true. So supporting the GI tract is really important!! This means increasing the healthy bacteria levels, supporting healthy stomach acids (not suppressing them with antacids...), eating a healthy diet, etc. Taking probiotics is a great way to increase the healthy bacteria in the gut. It's easy and very effective! Supporting that bacteria with fiber rich food like fruits and vegetables is also important because the fiber becomes food for the bacteria (aka Prebiotics... ever heard of them?). As an added bonus, probiotics have been found to help with weight management, energy, nutrition, allergies, skin, and even the function of your brain!
  • VITAMIN D: Vitamin D is a HUGE immune boosting supplement! How it works is by activating the immune cells in the body responsible for attacking foreign invaders. This means, you'll be able to more quickly produce the antibodies, cytokines and killer cells necessary to find and terminate the infecting viruses. With much of the country being too high in latitude to get enough sunlight to produce vitamin D, consuming vitamin D rich foods and taking vitamin D supplements are highly recommended during the cold and flu season. Multiple studies have even shown Vitamin D to be more effective than the Flu Vaccine!! (2,3,4)
  • DRINK WATER: Plain and simple, dehydration is never good for the body. It is especially bad for communication within the immune system, leading to poor antibody, cytokine and killer cell production and distribution throughout the body. These are the cells that target and attack the viruses. Regular hydration is a simple way to optimize your immune system.
  • ​ANTIVIRAL SUPPLEMENTS: Going to the doctor for an antibiotic when you have a cold? You might as well take the money you'll spend for the copay and burn it! Being that colds are almost always viral, your doctor wont give you an antibiotic for one. If he does, it most likely won't do anything... But what about antiviral supplements? Have you looked at the ingredients in Immunopoint? There are some pretty powerful ingredients in there that have been shown individually to have strong antiviral properties as well as supporting your immune cells like Elderberry and Black Seed... That's why we use them!
  • ​PROPER DIET: Sugar significantly suppresses the immune system! So... stop eating so much of it! If you can, eliminate it altogether from your diet. I know that's difficult but do the best you can to keep it under control. Food rich in vitamins and minerals like fruit and vegetables are also helpful for supporting your immune system, but be careful not to go overboard with fruit consumption.
  • EXERCISE: Exercise has been shown to significantly improve your immune response... But what's better, low-moderate intensity or HIIT exercises? As long as you're not overdoing it, HIIT exercises are significantly better for your immune response than low/moderate exercises!! It will help with Growth Hormone production, opioid production and stimulating your immune cells. If you don't like HIIT training, don't worry, low/moderate exercise is still beneficial. Just make sure you're doing something!
  • SLEEP: Recent studies have shown that getting at least 7 hours of sleep is optimal for improving your immune system. Getting 5-6 hours of sleep increases your risk of catching a cold by 4.2 times. Getting less than 5 hours of sleep increases your risk by 4.5 times! So stop binging on Netflix and get to bed at a decent hour :) 
  • ​GET OUTSIDE: One of the biggest ideas why people get sick in the winter is because the air quality in your home is worse as people are typically staying inside, out of the cold. Also, with everybody in closer quarters, spreading viruses is much easier as we're breathing the same air. Don't be afraid to spend some quality time outside with the family playing in the cold from time to time. Who knows, you might even have a good time...
  • ​KEEP YOUR HOUSE WARM AND HUMID: Did you know viruses spread at a much higher rate in dry air?! Also they spread at higher rates at lower temperatures. That is to say, lower ambient temperatures as well as lower body temperatures (like your nose). One study showed that at high humidity, viruses will ONLY spread at lower temperatures(1)... So the takeaway here is to keep your body warm, your house warm and get a humidifier. 
  • 1. Lowen, A.C., S. Mubareka, J. Steel, and P. Palese. 2007. Influenza Virus Transmission Is Dependent on Relative Humidity and Temperature. PLOS Pathogens. 3(10):e151. 
So what steps are you going to take to stay healthy this year???

Whatever you do, make the IMMUNO POWER PACK part of your daily routine!

Our simple 3 step approach will make your life easier by saving you time, and giving you a more in depth approach 
to supporting a healthy immune system!!
Copyright © 2018 - Biopoint Nutrition, LLC
PO Box 95145 South Jordan, UT 84095 
(385) 237-5150
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